
How Do You Teach a Child to Brush Their Teeth? (Video)

Mar 22, 2018
How Do You Teach a Child to Brush Their Teeth? (Video)
As a parent, you try to instill good habits in your child from an early age. Habits like picking up after themselves, eating healthy foods and, of course, brushing teeth every day.

As a parent, you try to instill good habits in your child from an early age. Habits like picking up after themselves, eating healthy foods and, of course, brushing teeth every day. Until they reach the age of 6 or so, you’ll have to help them out. Watch this video from the American Dental Association for tips on everything from how much toothpaste to use to how to hold the brush to get your child’s teeth squeaky clean.

When your child is ready to take over, the video offers great ideas for how to teach a child to brush their teeth too! Our Reading, MA dentists and hygienists are also happy to help. Bring your child in for a dental exam so we can check their teeth and talk to them about the importance of oral hygiene. Call First Dental Associates at 781-423-8138 to make an appointment.