
How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Mar 13, 2020
How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?
Dental implants have helped millions of Americans save their smiles. Dental implants are helping millions of Americans get their confidence back after experiencing tooth loss.

Dental implants have helped millions of Americans save their smiles.

Dental implants are helping millions of Americans get their confidence back after experiencing tooth loss.

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, about 3 million Americans have dental implants, and that number grows by about 500,000 every year. The main reason behind the popularity of dental implants is simply that they’re one of the best solutions out there for permanent tooth restoration, specifically in terms of treatment success rates and long-term costs versus value.

The process of getting a modern dental implant is easier than ever and complications are uncommon, but many patients are naturally concerned about the costs that come with one. After all, compared to some other types of restorative dental care, dental implants are more expensive. However, you’ll find, when all things are considered, the cost of dental implants is well worth the investment. Our patients often have a number of questions during their dental implant consultation. To help you get a step ahead before your own consultation appointment, we’ve answered 5 common questions revolving around dental implant costs.

1. How much do dental implants cost? Are they expensive?

The exact costs of a dental implant really vary between individuals. Some factors that play a role in expense include:

  • The current oral health level of the patient and whether any other treatment is necessary before moving forward with a dental implant
  • The amount of healthy bone in the jaw and whether a bone graft may be necessary
  • What type of dental insurance the patient has and how much their insurance plan will cover

The only way to get an accurate estimate of how much a dental implant will cost is through your initial dental implant consultation at First Dental Associates. After performing a comprehensive exam and contacting your insurance company, we’ll do our best to provide the most accurate cost estimate possible during this appointment.

Compared to some other forms of dental care, dental implants may be described as expensive; however, dental implants are permanent, can last a lifetime, and have a number of advantages that outweigh the initial costs.

2. What are the benefits of dental implants compared to other options?

Dental implants are a wonderful choice compared to other options because:

  • They are the closest thing to natural teeth in terms of how they behave.
  • They are designed to last a lifetime with proper care.
  • They prevent bone loss in the jaw from occurring.
  • They prevent facial sagging associated with tooth loss or traditional dentures.
  • They keep surrounding teeth strong and stable and prevent shifting.

Most other forms of restorative care focus mostly on replicating the look of natural teeth. This really helps improve confidence, but it doesn’t address the health side effects of missing teeth. When a tooth is missing, chewing and speaking can be affected, and eventually, the otherwise healthy bone around the now-empty tooth socket will waste away.

Considering all the benefits of dental implants, it’s easy to see why so many dentists promote them as one of, if not the best, solution for tooth loss.

3. Can anyone get a dental implant? How will I know if I can get one?

Candidates for dental implants are medically healthy adults who:

  • Practice regular at-home dental care and keep up with regular visits
  • Have no active tooth decay surrounding the missing tooth
  • Have no symptoms of active gingivitis or gum disease
  • Either has sufficient bone or are able to get a bone graft

Age does play a role in candidacy as well. While you’re never too old to get dental implants, you can be too young.

If you’re a parent interested in dental implants to replace your teen’s missing adult tooth, you’ll need to carefully discuss this with the dentist. In some cases, your teen may need to wait until they are in their very late teens to get an implant due to their growing jaw structure.

4. Are there less expensive alternatives to dental implants?

Yes and no. While there are restorative dental procedures that are initially less expensive than dental implants, they may wind up costing more time and money in the future. 

For example, getting a dental bridge that spans across four missing teeth will initially cost less than four separate dental implants; however, dental bridges don’t usually last as long as dental implants and will need to be replaced. In the future, you may also experience bone loss in your jaw, which will require treatment. Considering replacement and treatment costs, a traditional dental bridge could very well end up being a more expensive route.

If you love the idea of dental implants but are curious about what other options may work, your dentist will be your biggest help. At First Dental Associates, we even offer implant-supported dental bridges to help patients who are conflicted about whether to only get dental implants or a dental bridge.

5. Can I still get a dental implant if I had an extraction years ago?

If you have a good level of oral health and haven’t experienced significant bone loss in your jaw, chances are high that you’re still a candidate for a dental implant.

When tooth loss occurs and a dental implant isn’t placed, the bone will begin to degrade. To compensate for any bone loss that has occurred, your dentist will perform a bone graft. A dental bone graft helps bring structure and strength back to your jawbone so it can properly support a dental implant.

Bone grafts are an extra step in the dental implant process and do require a short amount of time to heal before moving forward with placing the implant post. The additional costs of dental bone grafts are very reasonable considering they’ll allow you to still get a dental implant rather than a bridge or other alternative.

Schedule your dental implant consultation at First Dental Associates.

If you think you’re ready to either move forward with dental implants or simply would like to speak with a dentist in person for more information, it’s time to book a visit with First Dental Associates.

Located in Reading, MA, First Dental Associates provides comprehensive dental care and beautiful dental implants to the local community. When you’re ready to visit Dr. Sadeghi and the team, you can either give our office a call to schedule your appointment or fill out the request form located at the bottom of our contact page.